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Graduate Placement

If you are a PT, OT, or SLP student, you
must interview and be accepted by your
specialty department before applying here.

Clinical Placement Online Application

[email protected]

Erlanger offers clinical training to students in a variety of graduate programs including (but not limited to):

  • Physical Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Speech Language Pathology
  • Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) - Nurse Practitioner, Educator, Informatics, Nurse Midwifery
  • Physician Assistant (PA)

Clinical internships for graduate students are approved on a case-by-case basis. To be considered, candidates must be enrolled in a program that has a current contract with Erlanger. Students must complete the following prior to their clinical rotation. PT and OT students will also complete EXATT applications with applicable deadline. 

  1. Complete the Online ApplicationAfter you complete the online application, Erlanger's Clinical Placement Coordinator will email you, asking you to complete steps 2 - 5 below.     
    Term Application Deadline Student Notification Student Documentation Due
     Fall: April 30  May 15  July 15
     Spring: October 15  November 1  December 15
     Summer: February 1  February 15  April 15
  2. Schools must have a Clinical Affiliation Agreement (CAA) with Erlanger. If your application is approved and your school does not have a CAA, email Will Bozlee, Erlanger Clinical Resource Specialist, at [email protected] to request one.

  3. Students need to complete orientation on Total Clinical Placement System using your school’s password. If your school is not currently a member, email [email protected] for instructions on how to create an associate member account. Once orientation is completed, email the completion certificates to your school for their records.

  4. If your clinical rotation requires EHR access, please complete the appropriate EPIC access forms and submit them to [email protected] and [email protected]
  5. Have your school submit a Hospital Orientation Checklist. Academic institutions are responsible for maintaining current student files with all documents required on the Hospital Orientation Checklist. The only documents to be sent to Erlanger are your Online Application, EPIC access forms (if required), and the Hospital Orientation Checklist. Final approval cannot be determined until the orientation checklist is complete and returned to Will Bozlee at [email protected].

If you have questions about this process, please feel free to reach out to:

Will Bozlee, MSN, RNC, CVRN-BC
Erlanger Clinical Resource Specialist/Student Clinical Placement
[email protected]

Clinical Student Daily Check-In

Clinical Check-In QR code

Daily check-in must be completed by all students and faculty each shift prior to entering Erlanger clinical departments. Use THIS LINK or the QR code above.