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Classes and Support Groups


Financial assistance for prenatal class registration is available for those who qualify. To apply, fill out and submit this Financial Assistance Form

In-Person and Virtual Classes

Childbirth Education

Expectant parents will learn the stages of labor, relaxation, hospital procedures and pain management options, after birth and home care for moms and in-hospital care for newborns. There will also be time for questions and answers.

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Breastfeeding Class

Breastfeeding Class
Participants will learn breastfeeding, what to expect the first few weeks and special tips for success. Taught by board-certified lactation consultants. Concerns about returning to work or school will also be covered.

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Baby Care and Safety

This class provides you with helpful tips on caring for your baby at home. The class will help you plan and prepare for a safe home environment.

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Infant CPR

This class teaches you basic CPR for an infant (birth to 1 year of age). Class time includes infant safety instruction and hands-on practice for CPR and choking management technique for an infant. This is not a class designed for healthcare certification.

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Clase de Lactancia Materna

Aprende a amamantar, qué esperar los primeros semanas, consejos especiales para el éxito y cómo afrontar con el regreso al trabajo o la escuela. Esta clase es impartido por consultores de lactancia certificados por la junta.

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Understanding Pregnancy

Covers essential information on your baby’s development, helpful tips for a healthy pregnancy, and includes partner tips throughout.


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Natural Childbirth Techniques

This course builds on what you learned in Childbirth Education. You will learn more about natural childbirth, comfort techniques, and how to write a natural birth plan.

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Cesarean Birth

Covers essential information about preparing for, having, and recovering from cesarean surgery, and highlights ways partners can help throughout the process.

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Sibling Preparation

Teaches you how to support your child (or children) as they grow into their role of big brother or sister. You will learn how to answer tough questions, ways to help your child feel involved, how to reduce jealousy, and more.

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With a positive focus on the importance of expectant dads being involved right from the start, you will learn how to support your partner through pregnancy and birth, as well as survival tips for those first few sleep-deprived months with a newborn.

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This interactive online class covers evidence-based changes in birth, breastfeeding, baby care, and infant safety, and it provides ways for new grandparents to offer support and assistance to the new family.

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This class covers everything you need to know about your unique pregnancy, including what to expect from a vaginal or cesarean birth, breastfeeding more than one baby, and life at home with multiples.

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Postpartum Health & Baby Care

Covers essential information for the first two weeks after birth, including taking care of yourself, caring for your newborn, and feeding your baby. It also highlights important warning signs, so you know when to call for help.

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Labor & Delivery Tours

Erlanger Women’s Health offers the opportunity to tour your childbirth location (Erlanger Baroness Hospital or Erlanger East Hospital) so you feel comfortable and know what to expect the day of.

Support Groups

Moments to Share - Perinatal Grief and Loss Support Group
This support group is for parents who have experienced a pregnancy or neonatal loss, and we welcome loved ones to join as well. Whether your loss was recent or in years past, we are here for you. We bring a greater understanding of perinatal grief and how it affects lives and relationships. These meetings allow families to come together to discover ways of coping and help find courage and hope for the future.

Moments to Share meetings are held at the Ronald McDonald House (located at 200 Central Avenue). There is no cost to attend this group, but registration is strongly encouraged to ensure we provide proper space for families.

View meeting dates/times

Maternity Resources

Nurse-Family Partnership

This free program connects first-time mothers with a registered nurse who will provide the support, advice, and information you need to have a healthy pregnancy, a healthy baby and be a great mom.

Learn more about Nurse-Family Partnership