Network Outage Alert - Update

Erlanger is pleased to announce that all systems have been fully restored following this morning's network outage.


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Observation Privilege Guidelines


The Erlanger Medical Staff Bylaws allow for members of the Medical Staff to allow a physician who is not a member of the Medical Staff to observe a specific procedure in the hospital setting. Full Bylaws excerpt (section 7.6) is outlined in Appendix A.

This is a guideline for requesting and executing this privilege request.

Basic Criteria for Applicants:

  • Must be a currently practicing or retired MD or DO
    • DDS, OD, Pharmacist, non MD/DO oral surgeon, and APP requests shall be considered on an individual basis and require approval of the Officer’s Council.
  • Must not already be a member of the Erlanger Medical Staff
  • Visit must have a pre-specified intent and duration
  • Visiting physicians/observers must be sponsored and supervised for the duration of their time on site by a member of the Medical Staff
  • Observation duration must not exceed 14 days

To Submit a Request for Observation Privileges:

  1. An application can be found by CLICKING HERE 
  2. Observation privilege applicants must supply the following health records:
    a. Proof of MMR vaccination
    b. Proof of Varicella vaccination or documented prior chicken pox
    c. TB testing or chest Xray within the last 12 months
    d. Current Flu vaccination (if on site October through March)
  3. Applicants should allow two weeks for processing of all paperwork.
  4. Observers are allowed up to 14 days of observation per year.
    a. Additional hours may be approved by the Chief of Staff and Chief Medical Officer.
  5. Physician Observers will comply with the Dress Code as noted on the application.
  6. Physician Observers will comply with the Erlanger Code of Conduct as such document exists at the time of placement.
    a. The Code of Conduct will be included in the individual’s orientation packet and an acknowledgement of receipt and understanding of the Code of Conduct must be signed by the individual prior to the start of the observation period.
  7. HIPPA/Security/Privacy training will be provided in the individual’s orientation packet and an acknowledgement of receipt and understanding of the training must be signed by the individual prior to the start of the observation period.
  8. Observers must receive a visitor badge prior to the start of their period of observation. This must be worn at all times while in the facility and must be clearly visible.
  9. Physician observers are not permitted to touch patients or in any other way provide direct patient care.

Appendix A:

7.6 OBSERVATION PRIVILEGES From time-to-time, it may be the request of a member of the Medical Staff to allow a Physician, which may include a visiting professor, who is not a member of the Medical Staff to observe a specific procedure within the Hospital setting. While these activities are encouraged, the following information must be submitted fourteen (14) days prior to the scheduled procedure/observation: (1) Current curriculum vitae; (2) Government issued form of identification The Observation Physician must meet the Hospital’s current requirements set forth in the Hospital’s Compliance policies and the Physician must follow all applicable Hospital policies and procedures.